Does Accounting Outsourcing Make Sense for Your Business?

Effective collaboration is at the heart of every successful organization. When each piece of a company is well-maintained and communicative — from office branches to individual employees — continued growth and success are all but guaranteed. However, areas for improvement are always bound to appear when a team’s size, skillset, and bandwidth become slowly yet glaringly insufficient. When one piece of your business begins to lag behind, the impact ripples across all aspects, ultimately stalling plans for the future as you attempt to correct your past and stabilize your present. 

Evaluating your financial department should be the first step when assessing where your business should look to enact positive change. Delivering excellent customer service and a quality end product is crucial to building return clients and positive perception in your industry, but maintaining stable financial health is foundational to it all. If you can’t pay staff on time, address invoices promptly, or ensure taxes are filed correctly, your plans for market longevity will screech to a halt. 

Outsourcing has long since been a proven measure of addressing inefficiencies throughout organizations, but many underestimate its range of support. While often considered for tasks like customer support or IT, many neglect its utility in creating faster, more competent finance departments. Accounting outsourcing is a game-changer — handing over complex functions, ranging from bookkeeping, payroll processing, tax compliance, and financial reporting, to skilled professionals allows organizations to refocus their internal resources on strategic initiatives. 

Shifting responsibilities ultimately supports long-term growth and stability, but how do you know if and when outsourcing your accounting functions is the right decision for your business?

Your accounting staff is vital to your daily operations. While their importance may be less noticeable when tasks are managed without a hitch, poor financial management becomes a glaring problem when issues begin to arise. If your company is facing mounting inefficiencies, struggling to meet financial obligations, or finding it hard to stay compliant with changing regulations, it could be time to explore accounting outsourcing as a solution.

Assess your business’s current or potential future state against these key indicators. As similarities become apparent, so too will the realization that outsourcing accounting would eliminate the chance of a future filled with monetary disruptions. 

Working with a greater number and higher caliber of clients and vendors is a telltale sign of positive business practices. While a direct indicator of the potential to scale into a prospering enterprise, more business inevitably leads to more responsibility.

When revenue streams, varied expenses, and compliance requirements pile up, financial staff begin to suffer from success if they are unprepared for an influx of new and more in-depth hoops to jump through in their daily routines. Managing changing tax laws, payroll regulations, and industry-specific requirements is challenging for businesses finding themselves in uncharted waters. 

If you struggle to keep up with complex compliance guidelines, expanding your accounting staff may come up as an option. However, as the hiring process begins, most managers and owners are quickly reminded of the time-consuming and expense-intensive process of finding, training, and managing new staff. These costs all occur before factoring in the added budget stress caused by the higher salary demands expected from job seekers today.

Outsourcing to professionals who are up-to-date on trends and regulatory changes reduces the risk of penalties and upholds financial integrity without expending the exact costs and team resources you’re trying to allocate correctly.

As financial departments struggle with external forces, internal limitations may grow prevalent. Your staff might be well-versed in basic bookkeeping or handling day-to-day transactions, but staying flexible in a rapidly evolving field requires more than just fundamental skills. 

Often, in-house teams need more expertise to navigate increasingly intricate tasks. Managing compliance with ever-changing tax regulations, implementing advanced financial software, or conducting sophisticated financial analysis requires knowledge that may not be easily accessible. Without the right tools and knowledge, your internal team may struggle to provide the detailed insights and financial forecasting needed to move your business forward.

Purchasing cost-intensive software licensing and subsequent training quickly incurs higher expenses and expands the hours your staff needs to keep essential operations running smoothly. If your team isn’t prepared, your business risks missing opportunities for financial growth. If you’re feeling unprepared for the future, outsourcing to experts with the latest skills and technology bridges these gaps, ensuring your accounting needs are handled precisely and competently.

By nature, accounting requires razor-sharp accuracy and results. Any level of inconsistency or deviation harms your bottom line, deteriorates client sentiment from showing lackluster attention to detail, and prompts action from partners or regulatory bodies that hold your business responsible. 

Lower performance doesn’t appear from thin air; it’s merely a symptom of other indicators of a need for outsourced accounting, including:

  • Less time being spent on bookkeeping and accounting tasks. When invoices and payroll need to be processed rapidly to avoid creating a backlog, quality control is left to the wayside. Forced expediency often comes at the expense of quality.
  • An inability to produce timely, accurate financial reports. When your income and spending are operating in a silo, every decision from your leadership team is made in the dark.
  • Staff voicing their overwhelmed and underprepared nature. If direct requests for assistance and added resources go unanswered, morale may decay to the point of employee resignation.

If there are frequent errors in financial records, missed deadlines for tax filings, or late payments to vendors, it indicates a need for professional assistance. Recognizing this need and opting for accounting outsourcing services brings a sense of relief, reducing the risk of costly mistakes and penalties brought on by overburdened teams.

If any of the signs above resonate with your current situation, it’s essential to know that it’s not too late to make a change. Outsourcing your accounting responsibilities frees up internal resources, provides access to financial expertise, and improves the overall health of your business. 

Working with a trusted outsourcing partner realigns your financial operations with best practices and allows you to meet growing expectations head-on without experiencing growing pains. We’re accustomed to enlightening countless organizations to the vast benefits of outsourcing, and the financial sector is no different. Explore the roles outsourcing fills and how each new hire supports a stage of your financial lifecycle. With new, fully prepared staff, you’ll be ahead of competitors struggling to meet current obligations, let alone preparing to take on more clients.

Outsourcing offers an assortment of positions to bolster your accounts payable, accounts receivable, and billing/collections efforts. An outsourced bookkeeper can record invoices, track payments, and update financial records using up-to-date accounting software, reducing the chance of manual errors. By outsourcing accounting, businesses can leverage a new junior accountant to actively monitor overdue accounts, process payments, and handle customer and vendor communications. Providing your financial team with a trained helping hand minimizes payment delays and enables industry relationships to flourish. 

Outsourcing accounting can also involve finding a new assistant controller who can support all day-to-day accounting activities and the monthly closing process while providing management with the information and visibility for key business decisions. This oversight level helps identify patterns or discrepancies in transaction management that may otherwise go unnoticed in a hectic in-house environment. With just one added layer of governance, you’re on a much better track to maintain a consistent, error-free financial process. 

To outsource payroll, taxes, and general financial obligations is to lay the groundwork for reliable accuracy and adherence. Outsourced bookkeepers manage payroll inputs, process expense reports, and organize tax-related documents using up-to-date tools and software that may be too costly for small businesses to invest in. If your company decides to outsource payroll processing, it will likely avoid expensive payroll errors that occur when your current bookkeepers are underequipped and overworked.

For more complex functions, an outsourced certified public accountant provides expert advice on tax compliance, prepares and files returns, and offers strategic tax planning to minimize liabilities down the road. With a CPA’s expertise, your business will be ready to align with all local and federal tax regulations, all while identifying opportunities for tax savings. 

Strategic financial management is necessary for long-term business success, and outsourcing roles in financial planning, analysis, and audit support bring the know-how needed for informed decision-making. An outsourced junior accountant gathers data for budgeting, helps prepare financial statements, and supports audit inquiries, ensuring foundational financial information is accurate and readily available. A senior accountant working alongside them conducts in-depth financial analysis, providing actionable insights that guide the business’s economic strategy.

As your confidence in a healthy accounting department solidifies, an outsourced auditor brings an impartial perspective to assess financial records, identify compliance issues, and recommend changes. 

Outsourcing accounting roles isn’t just a route to cutting costs. Accessing talented candidates from across the globe allows your business to access a wealth of experience and strategic insight without spending on higher salaries, lengthy training sessions, or software for existing staff. 

If your business shows signs that outsourcing accounting could boost your productivity, it’s time to explore what Thrivemodal can do for you. Our team finds, onboards, and manages your new outsourced team members at zero cost with zero commitment. By accessing highly skilled and vetted professionals from The Philippines — including bookkeepers, accountants, CPAs, and more — your company will be primed to escape the throes of disorganized accounts and focus on thriving, not just surviving. Reach out to us and see how the right staffing solution fits your financial goals.